Unlike in Hammerburst in the previous game, it does not fire six round bursts. The Hammerburst is the primary weapon of the Locust Drone. This is quite useful for when your enemy moves to the side while you're trying to chainsaw them. You use the left stick to move forward and backward as normal, but you also look left and right using the left stick. While the chainsaw is revved, the controls change to make it easier to look around while still holding B. When attempting to use the chainsaw bayonet, it's best to rev it and then run into the enemy. If you take damage while using the chainsaw, it will stop running and you will need to press B again to start it. Press and hold the melee (B) button to activate. It is intended for mid-range combat, but features a chainsaw bayonet for when you feel like getting up close and personal. You can use this method any way that you want, you can set up a match with you facing off against a team of bots if you want, it's entirely up to you, I've just outlined the easiest and fastest method that I know of.The primary COG weapon, the Lancer. The quickest way to get this achievement is to set up a local game, set the game type to Warzone, set the round limit to 1 and work your way through the maps while killing the second player, this way you have absolutely no threat to contend with as the second player won't do anything unless you make it. Now the achievement is left entirely open as this can be obtained by playing a match in any mode, so while you have the option of playing online in a ranked/social match and working toward this achievement casually you can also choose to get this achievement out the way by playing a local game with 2 controllers. Here's a list of the weapons you need to get a kill with so that you can mark them off as you get a kill with them For this achievement you need to kill an enemy with each of the weapons in the game.